Day 7
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On Day 7 of Journey to the Cross we see Jesus with His own mother who gave birth to Him and his dear friend Mary Magdalene. There are moments when we feel so helpless and powerless in our suffering. God is near even when it is dark and He feels so far. We look to see Him present and compassionate in every moment.
“... he will swallow up death forever.” Isaiah 25:7
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 25
“On this mountain, he will destroy
the shroud that enfolds all peoples,
the sheet that covers all nations;
he will swallow up death forever.
The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears
from all faces;
he will remove his people’s disgrace
from all the earth.
The Lord has spoken”
Gospel Reading: John 19
Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, "Woman, here is your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Here is your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.
Reflection Time
As Jesus hung on the cross, He looked at the faces of those He loved. His mind was on them, and His mind was, and is, on you. Someone being tortured to that degree would normally cry out in agony, only thinking of themselves, their fate.. their pain… but Jesus’ love transcended pain. In His anguish, He was not selfish, nor did He wallow in pity or fear.
He thought about taking care of those He loved. His mother, His disciples… and us.
Questions for Reflection
Put yourself in this scene as a loved one of Jesus: what do you see?
Has there been a time in your life when you have felt helplessness, similar to how Mary would have felt watching her own son suffer? Perhaps you are asking ‘where Jesus was’ at that moment.
As you invite Jesus into that moment of helplessness, describe your feelings to Him
Ask Him to reveal His nearness to you in that situation.
What is Jesus saying to you in His nearness?
Consider this: why was Jesus thinking about us on the cross? How does this shift the way you see Him, and God’s love, now? What does this reveal about His character?