Prayer at Reality Church
Submit a Prayer Request
At Reality Church, we believe prayer makes a difference. How can we pray for you this week? Let us know using the form below.
NOTE: Any prayer request you share with Reality Church will remain confidential and will only be shared with our lead team for the purposes of prayer.
Sunday Mornings
Receive prayer from one of our Prayer Team members on Sundays after the service in the Prayer Room or just find someone wearing a Prayer Team lanyard.
Join the Prayer Team
If you’re interested in joining the prayer team, please fill out this application.
The Prayer Room
The Prayer Room is open to anyone to come and use. It's a great space to get away and enjoy some peace and quiet while studying scripture or spending time in prayer.
Prayer Cards
Our Prayer Team has curated some Prayer Cards to guide you to scripture and even offer you a sample prayer for those times when you don't know what to pray. Each card is crafted with a specific season of life or topics such as marriage, forgiveness, healing, and more. Click the button to download the Prayer Cards or find them printed out in the Prayer Room.