Day 4
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On Day 4 of Journey to the Cross, we reflect on the great compassion of Jesus toward those He loved. Jesus showed immense empathy for the women who were mourning Him at the crucifixion, which alone is significant since women were treated as unimportant at the time. Even while hanging on the cross, our Saviour was not below showing love and mercy toward us. โThe Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.โ Psalm 103:8
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 54
โFor the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,โ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Gospel Reading: Luke 23
A great number of the people followed him, and among them were women who were beating their breasts and wailing for him. But Jesus turned to them and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For the days are surely coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us'; and to the hills, 'Cover us.' For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?"
Reflection Time
In a society that demeaned, devalued, and largely silenced women, Jesusโ life and ministry were characterized by their elevation. In a moment when he could be excused for only being concerned about Himself, Jesus stops to show compassion for the women who are mourning Him. They are the only people Scripture records Him speaking to as He walks to His death and, as is often mentioned, that alone is significant since women were treated as unimportant at the time.
Questions for Reflection
Close your eyes and put yourself in the shoes of the weeping women.
Consider Jesusโ impending crucifixion and then imagine Him taking time to look at you and speak to you.
What do you see in His eyes? (30 sec)
Jesusโ words were full of compassion. How have you experienced the compassion of Christ in your own moments of grief? Reflect on those times with Him.