Day 16 - A Surrendered Heart

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A Surrendered Heart - Joe Castronova

Sometimes, I am pretty sure I think I am too smart for my own good.

As arrogant as it sounds, I think it might be true.

First, I’ve never viewed myself as a smart person. Sometimes I’ve had people say “Joe, you are smart!” I am pretty sure they are just trying to make me feel good, which is nice. I’ve never thought I was very smart. But when I honestly reflect on my life, I typically live in a way that shows that I think I am very smart:

  • I want to do things my way, rather than what JoEllen wants or my team at church wants.

  • Over the years it has become harder for me to collaborate, even though I love collaboration, I just think my ideas are better.

  • I don’t spend nearly enough time learning more about things I really care about.

  • I’ll often go through hours in a day and forget to ask the Lord what He thinks because I just think I know what to do.

I am pretty sure I think I am too smart for my own good.

Maybe this is one reason why the bible shares stories that include sheep and shepherds. God seems to like comparing us to sheep. Why? Well, sheep follow the shepherd because they don’t know any better. I just looked up the size of sheep brains - they are around 1 inch round. So, if I was a sheep, wouldn’t I follow a shepherd whose brain was much bigger than mine? See how smart I am!

I wonder if part of what God is trying to tell us is a proper way to view ourselves and our need for more intelligence - our need for God. I wonder if God would tell me that it is better to remember that I am not actually very smart, especially in comparison to God. Maybe in my case even compared to sheep, who are at least smart enough to know it makes a lot of sense to follow the Shepherd.

In writing this devotional, it makes a lot of sense to look toward the Great Shepherd of the sheep for leadership. Under His leadership, I have access to guidance, wisdom, knowledge, insight, and perspective that isn’t limited to this world or my inept brain. Under His leadership, I can grow the capacity to hear His voice and follow. Following the Lord takes me outside of my capacities and abilities and into the reality of eternal guidance that can only come from my Heavenly Father.

Lord, help me to turn to you for help and leadership in every area of my life.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 23

Spiritual Practice

Take some time to think about the year ahead and all of the guidance you will need. Ask God to highlight any area He wants you to surrender to His leading and guidance. If you have time, write down what the Lord is speaking to you.


Day 17 - A Surrendered Heart


Day 15 - An Adoring Heart