Day 15 - An Adoring Heart

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An Adoring Heart - Calvin Hoffman

What is worship? Is it a set of three or four songs on a Sunday morning? Is it a prayer?

Is it an offering or a gift given?

Worship is a posture. It is out of gained perspective and humble awareness. It’s putting your faith into action.

It’s a response.

We don’t worship out of fear or obligation. We worship because we’ve discovered the God who gave himself up for us, who forgave our debts, who clothes us in his righteousness and worship feels like the only fitting response.

For me, music has become such a tangible avenue for adoration. Opening my mouth, and singing truths of who Jesus is and what He’s done is one of the most faith-filling experiences I get to have. When we exercise the humility to approach the invisible God in an attitude of worship, we’re given renewed perspective and increased faith. God has designed our bodies for this. He created your hands to be raised in surrender. He created your mouth and language for praise. He enables your knees to bend in humble adoration. The list could go on.

Consider the woman who interrupted a Pharisee’s dinner with Jesus. She knew who Jesus was and she also knew the weight of what she had done in her life. She didn’t care who saw, who knew her, or what they would say. She just walked right in, wept before Jesus, washed His feet with her tears, kissed His feet, and anointed Him with costly perfume.

Are you willing to let your life display alabaster-breaking adoration to Jesus? Consider His response to such a display of affection. He says, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Next time you pray, next time you sing at church, next time you give, next time you approach God in whatever worshipful way, hear His reminder of the most awe and wonder-inspiring truth, “Child, your sins are forgiven.”

Scripture Reading: Luke 7:36-50

Spiritual Practice

I want to challenge you today to try something new during your time with the Lord; something that will help you to humble yourself before him. It could be as simple as reading the scripture out loud, praying on your knees, or listening to a worship song with your hands raised to Him.

Here’s a great song for you to worship with: Alabaster Heart.


Day 16 - A Surrendered Heart


Day 14 - An Adoring Heart