Sex and Marriage

What We Believe at Reality Church

Some of the most pressing questions in the world today are around marriage, sexuailty and the LGBTQ+ community. We as Reality Church believe these topics are important to God and us because people are God’s most valuable treasure. 

When coming to these topics we seek to be Biblically faithful and to love as Jesus loved. 

In regards to marriage and sexual practice, Reality Church aligns with the historic teaching of the Christian church. Sexual practice is to be expressed within the one-flesh covenantal union of two sexually different adult persons (male and female). 

Reality Church believes the fall affected all humans in all ways (Genesis 3). In this brokenness, we as a church community seeks to live every area of our lives under the Lordship of Christ and in the grace of God. 

As a church, we desire to express our belief in a way that is reflective of Jesus himself. The Gospels show us a stunning account of Jesus’ life. Those who lived most differently than him were most eager to be near Him. We welcome all people to worship with us regardless of belief. We hope each person finds our Church to be a place of grace and love. We reject the idea that those who believe differently from us are less worthy of our love and welcome. 

Lastly, we believe that being clear regarding our conclusions of what scripture teaches in belief and practice is loving.

In 2023 Reality Church held a full-day seminar in order to know scripture, follow Jesus, and love our neighbor. We have made three video sessions from that day available if you would like to dig deeper into what we believe and how we walk out our beliefs. Sessions 1 and 4 give a Biblical foundation for our beliefs.  Session 2 is a story and interview which unpack God’s love and dignity for our LGBTQ+ neighbor. 

In addition, we have included a recommended list of resources for those who would like to study further. 

If you have any questions, we gladly welcome you to reach out to our Pastoral team.

Session 1

Teaching from Guest Speaker Sally Jo Vanderyacht

Session 2

Story & Interview with Anthony Martin

Session 4

Teaching from Guest Speaker Sally Jo Vanderyacht


The resources below are ones we recommend for further study. All of the resources below  would align with the historic teaching of the Christian church regarding sexuality,  marriage, and gender.  

Some resources might walk out pastoral care in ways that are different from one another.  We, as a church, believe it is healthy to wrestle with these pastoral approaches so that we can be faithful to scripture in a way that bears the fruit of the Spirit and love of our neighbor as commanded by Jesus.

 -Reality Church Staff & Leadership 

Recommended Resources: 

Books on Sexuality & Same-Sex Marriage: 

  • A People To Be Loved - Preston Sprinkle 

  • An Impossible Marriage - Matt & Laurie Krieg 

  • Is God Anti-Gay? - Sam Allberry 

  • Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry 

  • Rethinking Sexuality - Juli Slattery  

  • A Change of Affection - Beckett Cook 

  • A War of Loves - David Bennett 

  • Messy Grace - Caleb Kaltenbach 

Books on Gender & Gender Identity: 

  • Love Thy Body - Nancy Pearly 

  • Embodied - Preston Sprinkle 

Podcasts on Sexuality, Marriage & Gender: 

These podcasts would have episodes covering a variety of topics and can be searched for specific topics that might interest you in your learning journey. 

  • Hole in my Heart - Laurie Krieg 

  • 30 Min with the Perry’s - Jackie Hill Perry 

  • Java with Juli - Juli Slattery  

  • The Beckett Cook Show - Becket Cook 

  • Pure Desire Podcast

Any questions?

We’d love to hear from you!

Please reach out by filling out this form or emailing us.
(717) 286-3287

2301 Harrisburg Pike Suite 100, Lancaster, PA 17601