That One Small Thing

That One Small Thing

Is your faith just a series of doctrines, or a list of rights and wrongs, or just simply… beliefs? Or does your faith include a motivation to get out and do the things that God has laid out for you to do?

James 2:14 tells us that “Faith without works is dead.”

That might be a little intimidating to hear, but really it is a reminder that God is alive in us and wants to work through us. He created us not just to be, or to think, but to DO!

When we become Christians and we walk in faith, we are told we can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).

That doesn’t mean that God gives us superpowers, unfortunately. It means that GOD can do all things, and that when we take the time to understand what it is that God has planned for us, that he will provide what we lack.

So, what is that thing?

For each and every one of us, that thing is going to look different. God created YOU, and He had a plan when he did it- for you to go and do awesome works in His name. But again, it feels a little intimidating to start being the hands and feet of Jesus. That sounds like a tough task - going out and being Christ’s representative to the world.

Where do we even start?

Maybe it will mean praying in front of your coworkers, or inviting that person who’s been on your mind to church. Maybe you can reach out to someone who wronged you, or volunteer. But this is the best part – that thing isn’t as important as our willingness to go do it. Because God desires motion, not perfection.

God wants us to get out there and start, even if we fumble our way through it.

You don’t start exercising by going to the gym and lifting all the weights. You don’t become a marathon runner by getting off the couch and running a marathon. To be God’s hands and feet, we don’t need to do all the things. We just need to find that one small thing that God puts on our hearts and go do that. And then another thing. And another. Until we build those good habits and the muscle memory of listening to God and following through on what He puts on our hearts to do. Ephesians 2:10 tells us “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

God formed you to be right here, right now… specifically to do that thing you aren’t sure you can do. So, get out there and build up those muscles, do that one small thing this week, and go with confidence! Because God created you with a purpose and He will have your back.


Healthy Tension


Worry Never Changes Anything For Good