Serve With Us!

We are excited for another “Be the Church” serving day on September 9th, so mark your calendars!

Join us serve our community to meet the needs of different families and organizations. This year, many service projects will be geared to help families who have adopted children or are in the process of doing so.

We are excited to join together and different locations to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in our church and in our area!

Sign up in the lobby on August 20th and August 27th! You can sign up for specific locations and specific tasks!

Who Are We Serving?

We are excited to partner with seven amazing organizations for this Be the Church Serving Day. Click the organization logo to learn more about each organization.

Feeding the hungry by facilitating partnerships between food suppliers and nonprofits in a way that brings God’s blessings to both

Real people pursuing the reality of Jesus and learning what it looks like to become more like Him as we walk alongside one another

Provides affordable rental housing to people experiencing homelessness because a home is the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling life

Providing supportive care and residential services, primarily to those with mental health issues and limited resources, affirming and empowering each person as a part of our family

Supports survivors of sex trafficking by providing physical, psychological, emotional, educational, and spiritual development

Provides help and hope to Lancaster County families facing financial hardship due to extraordinary unexpected. medical expenses

Created specifically to help children and youth – and their families – overcome struggles produced by trauma and emotional difficulties.

Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls, disciple them, and establish them in a Bible-believing church

To demonstrate Christian love by providing supportive care and residential services, primarily to those with mental health issues and limited resources, affirming and empowering each person as a part of our family


You can sign up online anytime by using the button below. We will also offer in-person sign ups at the Outreach Ministry desk on August 20th and 27th during both services. You can sign up for specific service projects that you feel you are the most drawn toward or most equipped for! 


After you sign up, you will recieve a confirmation email with the details of your service project. Next, the someone from the Outreach Ministry will contact you with the details of your service project and the location you will serve at. "Be the Church" Serving Day is on September 9th. Please plan to arrive at your site on time so you can finish your project during the set time.